Monday November 15, 2021
“Wasn’t that a Party?” – The Irish Rovers

You cannot be an Altoholic unless you have Alts. Perhaps it’s time I introduced the latest batch of characters that I’ve been working on. TBC Classic has been a treat so far, happily my playstyle is working out quite well with the guild I’ve been with for the past 6 months or so. Most of them have several alts, and we happily run everything in Outlands together.

Gronraed the Human Warlock is my fully Kara geared toon, luckily getting the dagger from Prince, there's an upgrade or two left in Kara, but in terms of open world capability and 5 mans regular or heroic, he's set.I have no inklings to push further than Kara, at least until my guild hits SSC after the nerfs.We’re not lazy, we’ve just done it before and are watching other guilds implode with the jump to 25 from 10’s and none of us are looking forward to the silliness.This past weekend five guildies organized a pug Gruul’s-Magtheridon run, which went quite well, and quick as well.It was my first trip into either instance in TBC Classic, and I happened to score the Tier 4 Chestpiece.Happily so, I remember when I was choosing between the Chest and the Boots for the Shadoweave set, that I had the distinct thought “Meh, it’ll be forever trying to get the chest out of Mag’s… just make it”.Ah, choices.But, it did last for a couple months at least.

Blort is my Dwarven Hunter, who hit 70 first, then sat for a very long time after the warlock hit 70. I spent an entire weekend working on him, getting his Ravager pet Spike to 70 from 63, as I’d been using my favourite skinned pig Zippy from RFK but the poor guy just wasn’t holding aggro anymore. Doing that, I put in a determined effort to collect the long overdue Beast Lord set. Fortunately, I struck it lucky, only needing about 6 runs total to get the four-piece set bonus operational. He’s hit Kara a couple times but hasn’t been lucky with drops in there. I’d really like to get the Sunfury Bow from Prince, but it just won’t drop for him. Soon enough I suppose.

Catamara the Night Elf Druid has been a weird one. Was feral up until 60, but got my ass kicked on the opening quests in Hellfire. Decided “screw that”, went boomkin and levelled to 70 that way. A few Kara runs later, she’s got some decent resto gear, including Nightbane’s Staff, so her future’s in being a Tree. She is my enchanter, and I’ve been working on world drops for the various enchants she’s missing. The list is almost complete, and after she gets her last one or two needed I’ll be going full restoration on her and boogie through Karazahn as a tree.

Hamahead the Draenei Shaman went halfway through the 60-70 range as an interesting pvp-resto spec. First toon in BC that I’ve been able to both heal 5 mans and quest effectively. In the last 3-4 levels she was pure elemental, zapping the crap out of 5 mans and having a blast. Now at 70, with a couple of Kara runs under his belt, she’s got some excellent elemental gear, and a decent resto set as well. Hamahead has been settling into healing quite well for me. I spent a lot of time healing in upper level instances to get her heroic keys, and healing happily all the way.

Latest to 70 is my little Gnome Frost Mage Zavee, who sat for the longest time in the high 40’s after TBC Classic launched. I started working on him and got into a nice groove, as I usually do with each of my alts. The real impetus was watching people advertising for Mage services (portals, food, water, etc). I finally pushed through to 65 to get his Shattrath Portal spell, and from there to 70 was quite enjoyable. That journey was accomplished while having a blast with a couple of paladins tanking and healing 5 mans. Every time we saw each other logged in, we’d gather a couple more dps and hit every instance. It went spectacularly well, that most of his levelling was done in instances. There are PLENTY of quest gold rewards waiting for him out in the wild. Little dude’s going to make me some serious coin. He’s yet to go into Kara, there’s another mage that’s working on her gear and I don’t want to take anything from her. It’s her only toon and since I have many, it’s an easy choice.
This leaves my other 4 toons, that are from 43 to 65 in levels.

Quinnd the Human Priest I switched to holy-disc from shadow in order to slam the instance trail again, was shadow while levelling but looking forward to healing through to 70. I’ve always liked Priest healing, and the memories of dual-priest Kara healing still sticks out quite fondly. He’ll get there, eventually.

Tief the Human Rogue was sitting in Stormwind, running faithfully back and forth from mailbox to AH, and doing some Jewelcrafting and lockpicking on the side.He’s 63 and I’ve started his progression through Hellfire and the lower instances.The push from guildies to level Tief is always present, as they keep sending him lockboxes to pick.I’m enjoying melee dps’ing on Tief, it’s been a while, as most of my alts are ranged.

Slapnutz the Dwarf Paladin is a full fledged protection.Ramp runs have been spectacular, BF is an annoying silencing instance that I am getting a good headway in the pulls.Slave Pens and Underbog have been great.Little variances from other people’s tanking these days, I’m more old school in making LOS pulls.Asking at the top of an instance to just chill till all of the mobs get to me, then you can go apeshit, usually works for the DPS.Those warriors who charge out right on the pull… well, they find that if the healer heals them, that’s cool.If they don’t get heals, their dps numbers drop rapidly upon death.Like I said.Old school.

Then there is my poor Nailer the Human Warrior, who waits patiently in Shattrath for me to have him do something other than mail his stuff away and back, cycling the 30 day returns. He’s 62, and I’ve just had other things on my mind. He’s understanding though, because his life’s been as a tank and he’s not looking forward to fighting for aggro on mobs in 5 mans. Fury or arms, perhaps to get him through. We shall see.

Bringing up the rear, and running mailbox duty is Alakazoo, a Gnome Warlock. Alakazoo is happily boogying between the mailbox, Auction House, and Bank, while holding on to items that just don’t fit well in inventory, but fly about the ether as in-game Mail. It’s a great way to expand your inventory space, as long as you don’t forget to check his mail every so often in case things ‘disappear’ by being returned after 30 days, and deleted after 60. He’s level 43 right now, and if I get the gumption to do more than use him as storage I’ll get on to levelling my 2nd Alliance warlock in TBC Classic.
So far, I’ve stayed on the Alliance side of things, with some Horde Classic toons that were abandoned on a PVP server when my irl friends decided to stop playing Classic.